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11 Blissful Effects of Full Moon in Islam

11 Blissful Effects of Full Moon in Islam We all know that our blessed islamic calendar is based on the cycle of the moon. To determine our holy or sacred day we also rely on the cycle of moon. Allah created the sun and the moon to circle in its orbit and create the night and day based on that orbit. “And He subjected for you the sun and the moon, continuous (in orbit), and subjected for you the night and the day.” (QS. Ibrahim : 33) Every substance and object existed in this world is mean to be and has it owns purpose. Likewise the moon, if we look up to the sky during night moon has phase of...

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Magnitude of Surah Mulk & Six Lessons For Personality Development

The Magnitude of Surah Mulk & 6 Lessons For Personality Development Surah Mulk is found in the 29th chapter of the Holy Quran. It has a total of 30 verses. Other names are also mentioned in the hadith. One of its names is Waqiyah. This means the one who saves from the torment. The Holy Prophet said that "this Surah will save the one who recites it from the torment of the grave" Tirmidhi.

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7 Benefits of Surah Al-Baqarah

This surah covers many topics and stories of the past prophets are also discussed in surah Baqarah. In this surah, Allah mentioned three types of people; The Believer, The Disbelievers, and the hypocrites. 

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FATHERHOOD AND 10 KEY VERSES FROM SURAH LUQMAN Luqman (alayhi salam) is a character mentioned in the Quran quite briefly. However, it is an interesting conversation because he is giving advice to his son and does so in the best of ways.

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Importance of Surah Yaseen

Every word of the Surah Yaseen is powerful. Every verse of this surah has its own spiritual and health benefits. May Allah blessed us with a true understanding of the Holy Quran. Ameen

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