The Magnitude of Surah Mulk & 6 Lessons For Personality Development
Surah Mulk is found in the 29th chapter of the Holy Quran. It has a total of 30 verses. Other names are also mentioned in the hadith. One of its names is Waqiyah. This means the one who saves from the torment. The Holy Prophet said that "this Surah will save the one who recites it from the torment of the grave" Tirmidhi.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, "My heart wants this Surah to be in the heart of every Muslim."
The Holy Prophet once said that there is a surah in the Quran which has only thirty verses. On the Day of Resurrection, this Surah will intercede for a man and bring him out of Hell and admit him to Paradise. In this surah it is stated that Allah is the king of the whole universe and He has control over everything۔ when He has power over all things, He has created life and death to test people who do good deeds. And Allah is Mighty, Merciful.
Allah has created the seven heavens in layers in such a way that the beholder will not see any difference between them nor will he see And Allah has adorned the heavens of the earth with stars, and He has prepared meteors to slay the devils. The signs of God's power are described in this surah, so its name is Surah Mulk۔
Allah says to the people: Allah has created you and made for you the hearing and the sight and the heart, but they are still ungrateful.
At the end of this surah, Allah Almighty urges us to think more and they say that people draw water from the ground and drink it. If that water goes too deep under the ground, then people do not have any power to draw that water. In Arabic, the government is known as Mulk.
The verses in chapter Al-Mulk (67: 1-30) are short and digestible. It is a great place to begin to connect with the Quran. Not for speed reading purposes, but to grow and transform yourself inside and out.
Reflections/ Lessons
- Remember Your Blessings
All ‘blessings, barakah, increase’ comes from Allah, Most Exalted is He. He is the Most Blessed source of blessings.
- Your Purpose in Life
Just as with other pairs created by Allah, lifelessness lends meaning and purpose to life. This universe and entire life within is not without meaning. Rather, it is like a testing period for man to face trails – the results and accompanying consequence which will come in the next world – after death.
- Reflect
Ponder over the perfection and harmony in Allah’s creations; no flaws or irregularities exist. Also look and reflect at the wonders of natural disasters around you; the wonders of the birds freely flying.
Allah is in control of everything;
He has power over everything;
And is Watchful over you and everything you do;
He is in complete control of His Kingdom.
- Sustenance and Total Protection Comes from Allah
He alone is the source of all sustenance – material as well as spiritual. He gave you many bounties and its your duty to use them in ways pleasing to Him.
- Remember Death
The ultimate goal of our existence is the Hereafter. So the remembrance of death should be a motivator for you to do the best you can, while you can. Always strive for the best of both worlds – don’t deny or forget one for the other.
- Aim for Excellence
Aim for quality (excellence), not quantity in your deeds. Work hard to keep your heart clean always. Because your Creator is fully aware of everything you do, say, believe and think.
Action Points (Your to – do)
- Assess the quality of your deeds always [check yourself].
- Be humble because your entire life is a test; and a humbling reality.
- Take out time to reflect constantly – you have so much around you and within you to ponder over. Such reflections will serve to motivate you in life.
- Ask Allah without reserve. Seek His mercy and aid knowing He is the ultimate source of all good. He is your army to assist you in the face of all problems and to sustain you.
Use your human strength and capabilities to work hard in this dunya with the understanding that it is only temporary; accountability lies ahead and you can’t escape it so prepare ahead. Start by building an Islamic personality using lessons and reflections from the Quran.
In everything you do:
Check yourself. Stay humble. Reflect over things. Ask Allah for all you need.
Want to spend time 10-15 minutes daily with the Quran to reflect and take lessons?
What you need:
* A journal and pen.
* Translation of the Qur’an (preferably in your native language or English). We have The Majestic Quran which is a best seller with great reviews.
* Tafsir of the Qur’an
Can you please do write a book for free as a donation so many people who are not aware of it may also put some effort to study and learn from all over the world in English language translation the full lesson I mean may Allah bless you and reward you for your hard work 😊
Thanks 👏 may Allah bless you and reward you for that brother.
and may Allah bless you for putting this out so people can learn
Surah Mulk
The Quran is the best book of Literature I have read my whole life. I am aways humbled and fascinated by its message. Thanks very much for your explanations of it to aid readers.
I feel invigorated around you lovely people love you
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